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Crunchy Cultures is owned by the fantastically charismatic Anna Hill. Her foods are tasty and her youtube channel is a hoot, while also being very informative. 

Anna has been curating her YouTube channel for 6 years to educate people about homesteading and fermenting and food preservation.  She has a refreshing, authentic video presence that you will really enjoy, promise!  Check it out - Crunchy Culture's YouTube Channel!

She started her work in ferments about 10 years ago, and says she always liked the flavors of tangy and spicy foods; the ferments proved to be a delicious and nutritious way to eat things that helped her health.  Her family built a lovely little homestead in Washington state; you can see her abundant gardens and adventures in the videos.  Then, in June of 2022, Anna and her husband left Washington and set up a new homestead here in southern Missouri.  In April 2023, armed with a ton of knowledge and experience, Anna decided to start selling her fermented items at local farmer’s markets.  

Crunchy Cultures came into being because Anna loves the country and the freedom of being able to grow her own food and be as self-sufficient as possible.  She enjoys sharing her learning and hopes it encourages others to eat well and be healthy, and maybe even try things they have never done before.  Her channel shares all of her trial and error and successes, and it shows us that one does not need to be an expert before doing the things; just do the things and keep learning and trying and it will work out.

There is a great deal of care that goes into her work.  She selects her ingredients and containers to provide a holistically healthy product. Not only do they taste good, but there are amazing benefits of consuming fermented foods; it’s probably the best thing you can do for your gut.  Some do not realize that the gut is more than just slimy intestines and the source of hunger pangs.  It is your second brain and gut health affects EVERYTHING - from digestion to mental/emotional health, so you should pay attention to it and feed it thoughtfully.

Crunchy Cultures