Little Farm Store is a Private Member Association. All buyers must have an active membership to receive products from within the membership. Please visit for more information

OUR FAMILY: After more than 7 years of Brady’s military service and city life, we moved to rural SW Missouri to give our kids a chance to experience life the way it was intended to be lived, in the quiet and beauty of nature. Our motto for the farm is “Ora et Labora” which is from Saint Benedict meaning “Pray and Work”. Our children help with daily chores and learn a lot about hard work and where our food comes from. We also try to instill in them a sense of gratitude for the food we eat and the ability to share food with those around us.

OUR ANIMALS: We initially set out to provide high quality and nutritious meat for our own family. We found that we had a passion for raising animals and wanted to provide these products to the local community. We love working alongside and in tune with God’s creation and have found that regenerative farming practices provides for the best life of the animal while improving the land that they are raised on. This in turn increases the health of the animal, allowing them to live in their most natural setting with no need to receive vaccines, hormones, nor unnecessary antibiotics. We raise our animals in the sunny pastures and woods where they have freedom to roam, forage, and live the way they were intended to live, and their diet is supplemented with Non-GMO, locally sourced feed. By focusing on the health of the animal, we are able to provide a high-quality product that we are proud to provide to our own family, friends and community around us.

Brady and Jenny Bulmanski

Bulmanski Farm