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Breezeway Farm is made up of 40 acres of Missouri clay, 3 frog-filled ponds, many awe-inspiring oaks, a small house with a big porch, gorgeous and delicious vegetables, Buckfast bees, a Great Dane puppy, a calico cat, and two hard working farmers.‍ December 2018 was the end of our first real growing season here, and we worked on finding out what grows best in this area. So far my favorite are the heirloom beets and super-hot peppers! We are available to grow various crops on request and have a high tunnel to extend the growing season and support some of the more fragile crops. Further goals include Runner ducks, whom I expect to eat their weight in garden bugs, and a silvopasture project involving sheep, goats, and empress trees. Sharing the things I grow with other people is a great, but I grow things I do, the way I do, because I love it, because I couldn’t do without it, and because I want to leave the land in better shape than I found it.

Breezeway Farm