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Farm News - August '22

written by

Ryan Goolsby

posted on

August 8, 2022

Wow! It’s August already?! Little Farm Store had a strong July, seeing steady growth in customers and adding a few new producers. Breezeway Farm from Hartville has added tomatoes to the product availability; many of you have been enjoying the big, lovely slicer tomatoes from them. They also have honey! Ron’s Microgreens joins us from West Plains, and these tender greens have been a big hit so far. His orange cherry tomatoes are amazing! Most recently, Ava Bread teamed up with LFS, too! Now you can order great bread to go along with the honey, butter, and jellies already available in the product list. Other producers who have connected with us include Brassfield Farms, CF Cattle Co, and Double PP Ranch; their products will become available in the coming weeks.

Little Farm Store is also hosting the first farm event! Promoting community and education is one of the core values of the LFS mission. This month, we decided to jump in by hosting a cook-out style meal at Pleasant Valley Farm. All of the food is being provided by the farmers who will be there. This is a paid event to help cover those costs. Our goal is to enjoy a day at the farm and introduce you to the farmers who grow your food. On the store site, you can select “Events” from the menu and purchase your tickets. Join us on August 7th from 11-3, enjoy great local fare, a farm tour, and yard games for the kids! Rumor has it there will be fresh, homemade ice cream, too -yum!

Looking out the window as I write this, and I am crossing my fingers that the clouds will drop much needed moisture! This extended hot, dry weather has been tough on farmers and the crops. It has affected the available veggies. The green beans stopped producing, and it took longer for the corn to ripen. I know that having items delayed or suddenly unavailable is disappointing for us all. We appreciate your understanding as we work to fill in the gaps. Please note that any unavailable items will be noted on your order packing list. We are keeping a record of these and will supply it the following week if possible, or if it doesn't seem likely to get fulfilled in a reasonable time, we will contact you to see if you would prefer credit or a refund. As Little Farm Store connects more farmers to the network, these problems will be mitigated by greater supply. Thank you so much for your support while this work is taking place! Without customers, we cannot get more farmers on board, so your orders are key to building this local food supply chain. Thank you and please tell others how you are helping to build the local agri-economy!

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